Animation's for chumps.
Illustrator and animator.
Age 40, Male
Deep in the Caribbean
Joined on 11/17/08
Animation's for chumps.
I agree, animation is like running a marathon on your knees, you have to be stupid to even try it, yet, the reward makes everything worth it.
lovin your mario!
Thanks Jimp! :)
False, I can masturbate and animate the same time
Me too, but teens aren't that skilled ya know. :3
And I totally feel you on that one, I wanted to be an illustrator after I got out of school, but once I started working I honestly found it pretty boring and frustrating... not to mention SUPER competitive. Animation totally renewed my faith in art.
A solid background in drawing (concept, life drawing, perspective, everything) is super important though, so I wouldn't skip that step if I had to do it over again. I do use everything I learned then for backgrounds, lighting, and that kind of stuff.
8=========D _/"""|O
^My skills at work
I agree, I have learned a lot from drawing too. Those skills were lifesavers during the process of creating animations. That's why I don't regret it, I know I'll keep drawing till I get old, but now that I have time and youth, I'm gonna animate!\
btw, I'm glad u are raping at work redminus! :3
sweet mario art man!
I always love seeing animations by ppl who have obviously had a history of working with art, and your work totally shows it. It's when you can just look at a screen shot and think "that is lovely to just look at".
you say you've stopped with concept art, but it all really shows through !
So hurry up and let me watch some more!!
Thanks Ock, I'll keep drawing forever. It's less tedious and you can do it anywhere, and it doesn't take that much time. :P
I lik yor mario beetar, plz maek nuew game whit that mareo.
My mareo is mi greeatest cretation! Miyamotou stole it form me and he is gonna pay wtih his lfie! muahahahou!
Lol, linkcraft.
Also, i disagree. Concept art is better IMO.
I respect that. :)