Fantastic job! I had to watch this 3 times, that's how much I enjoyed it.
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Fantastic job! I had to watch this 3 times, that's how much I enjoyed it.
Your style is so clean and professional, it has that TV quality that really makes it shine IMO. You did a great job with the lightning effects and blur, also, I liked how you changed your style for a more rustic look during the Indian's story. Greab job man! Can't wait for your next stuff. :)
Man, you're the first one to notice that change of style. Thanks Psho, looking forward to your next stuff as well!
Abobo is now a legend.
It's incredible how this forgettable character from a Double Dragon game could become this HUGE. I would never had imagined this could be done, but you guys nailed it. Not only did you guys made Abobo a superstar but you payed the most awesome tribute to the NES era I have ever seen. Tom put it really well: "it's the ultimate love letter to the NES" and I can't agree more.
Awesome job guys, you have a bright future ahead of you. :)
Thanks for the review <3
This took me by surprise, I didn't know this game existed till now. I'm glad I found it, really well made and visually very pleasant. Nice job. :)
Breathtaking game
It has been a long time since I had that feeling of tranquility and serenity while enjoying a game. The music had be in a state of trance almost all the time and the visuals immersed me even deeper. The gameplay was really unique, I have never played a game like this before. I loved the whole universe you created, really great job man.
So awesome! I can't wait for the long version. :)
Nice job man.
Frikkin great!
Hahaha! Thanks Pegosho ;)
Thanks a lot!
You have an incredible talent, keep on the good work man. You own!!!!
Super cool man!
Great designs man! :)
Illustrator and animator.
Age 41, Male
Deep in the Caribbean
Joined on 11/17/08