Fantastic job! I had to watch this 3 times, that's how much I enjoyed it.
Fantastic job! I had to watch this 3 times, that's how much I enjoyed it.
Your style is so clean and professional, it has that TV quality that really makes it shine IMO. You did a great job with the lightning effects and blur, also, I liked how you changed your style for a more rustic look during the Indian's story. Greab job man! Can't wait for your next stuff. :)
Man, you're the first one to notice that change of style. Thanks Psho, looking forward to your next stuff as well!
You did all that in 48 hrs? God, amazing job guys! Everything looked great and polished. Now, where can I buy a Bruna plushy? :3
Fantastic! It makes me want to start drinking. :P
Awesome! I love your art style man, it makes me hard. :3
Tetsuo!!! Me like it. :)
Super funny man! I'd give ya 6 starts but Tom wouldn't let me. :)
Blast that Tom! Thanks man :)
Illustrator and animator.
Age 41, Male
Deep in the Caribbean
Joined on 11/17/08